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State Budget
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Contact Us
Fiscal Year 2024 Year End Summary
General Fund Reversions
Proration of Investment Income
Revenue Forecast
Interim Revenue Estimate Presentation
Budget in Brief, Fiscal Year 2025
Revised Revenue Estimates Presentation
Revenue Estimates Booklet
presented to JCA (02/13/24)
Project BISON Update
for JCA (02/08/24)
ARPA Funding Update
for JCA (01/10/24)
BFM Budget Hearing Presentation
FY2025 Budget Overview
for JCA (01/09/24)
is the audited financial statements for state government. (12/29/23)
Governor Noem's
Recommended Budget for FY2025
from Governor Noem's Budget Address
Supplemental Slides
with Additional Details
BFM has issued
RFP #9328
for Independent Verification and Validation Services
BFM's Quarterly
ARPA Spending Update
SD SLFRF 2023 Recovery Plan Performance Report
Documents for Joint Committee on Appropriations (07/26/23):
FY2023 Year-End Report
Interim Revenue Estimate Slides
Interim Revenue Estimate Booklet
General Fund
Reversion Summary
by Agency
State Fiscal Recovery Funds
Status Update
Interest Proration Memo
to JCA
Interest Proration Recommendations
FY2024 Budget in Brief
provides a summary of the state budget for the next fiscal year.
Presentation on
SB 23 - ERP System Replacement
Revised Revenue Presentation
Revenue Forecast Booklet
Governor Noem's Recommended FY2024 Budget
Presentation for BFM Budget Hearing
FY2024 Budget Overview
for JCA (01/10/23)
FY2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
Supplemental Slides from BFM with more details
State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund and Capital Projects Fund
SLFRF 2022 Recovery Plan
FY2022 Year-End Report
Interim Revenue Estimate Presentation
Interim Revenue Forecast Booklet
State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund and Capital Projects Fund
Designation of new or changed cash centers for
Proration of Investment Income
Listing of
previously approved cash centers
Appropriated 2023 Budget in Brief
BFM Presentation to JCA
Local Fiscal Recovery Fund
Tranche 1 payments to Cities
Revenue Forecasts
Presentation on Revised Revenue Estimates
to JCA (02/14/22)
South Dakota's
SLFRF 2021 Recovery Plan
has been posted on our website. This report is required for the ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund.
ARPA Proposal
presented to COVID Liaison Committee on 11/18/2021
Governor Noem's
FY2023 Recommended Budget
Presentation for
BFM's Budget Hearing
Budget Overview Presentation
to JCA on 01/11/22
covering the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021
FY2023 Budget Speech Slides
BFM's Supplemental FY2023 Budget Slides
Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Information for South Dakota Non-entitlement Units (NEU)
Proration of Investment Income for FY2021
Revenue Forecasts - July 2021
FY2021 Year End Summary
CRF Spending Summary
presented to JCA (07/21/21)
Final FY2021 Revenue numbers
have been updated in our Dashboard Metrics section
BFM Performance Measures
presented to GOAC (05/25/21)
Small Business and Healthcare Grant Status
"No Award" Reasons in the Small Business Programs
Budget in Brief for FY2022
provides a summary of the state budget for the next fiscal year. (05/26/21)
FY2021 One-Time Spending Summary
Final Provider Inflation Percentages
The State of South Dakota
FY2020 Citizen-Centric Report
BFM Revised Revenue Projections
FY2021 General Bill Amendments
(from the Budget Summary Book)
BFM Presentation to GCEA on
Revenues and Economic Performance
BFM FY2022
Budget Hearing Presentation
Budget Overview
presented to JCA (01/12/21)
Long Term Plans
South Dakota
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
for FY2020
Governor Noem's Recommended Budget
for FY2022
Slides from Governor Noem's Budget Address
BFM's Supplemental Slides
SBIC Annual Report
FY2020 Year End Summary
Proration of Investment Income for FY2020
Revenue Forecasts - July 2020
FY2020 CRF Expenditures
FY2020 Stimulus (excluding CRF)
BFM Presentation to JCA
on June 24, 2020, regarding COVID metrics, the Highway Fund, and the Tourism Fund
BFM Presentation to JCA
on May 27, 2020
FY2020 General Bill Amendments
The State of South Dakota FY2019
Citizen-Centric Report
is available. The purpose of Citizen-Centric Reporting is to help simplify communication between government and its citizens.
Presentation on Revised Revenue Estimates
Revenue Forecast Booklet
explaining and detailing each area of receipts.
Budget Overview Presentation to JCA
on Jan. 13, 2020.
The 2020 South Dakota
Long-Term Financial Plan, Five-Year Capital Expenditure Plan, and Debt Limitation and Management Policy
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
provides timely and accurate financial reporting for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019.
Governor Noem's Recommended FY2021 Budget
FY2019 Year End Summary
Interim FY2020 Revenue Projections
Proration of Investment Income
The State Board of Internal Control is required to create an annual
SBIC Work Plan and Report
and present it to the Governor and the legislature's government operations and audit committee.
South Dakota Budget in Brief
provides a cursory overview of the financial condition of the state of South Dakota and a summary of the state budget for the next fiscal year.
FY2019 Year End Summary
Interim FY2020 Revenue Projections
Proration of Investment Income
Here is our second annual
Citizen Centric Report
. It is intended to be a clear and understandable summary of information from our Budget Report, CAFR, Long Term Financial Plan, and Economic Updates.
This sheet shows the
Provider Inflation Rates
included in the FY2020 General Appropriations Act.
BFM's Revenue Forecasts
presented to JCA on Feb 13, 2019, along with the
Economic Outlook Slides
BFM's Presentation to JCA
on Jan. 24, 2019, provides an overview of Governor Noem's Recommended FY2020 budget. Included in this meeting will be a discussion on
Targeted Provider Rate Adjustments
Governor Noem's Recommended Budget for FY2020
focuses on not only improving South Dakota for today, but also for the next generation.
The State of South Dakota's 32nd
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
provides timely and accurate financial reporting, covering operations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.
budget Governor Daugaard proposed for FY2020
is available.
FY2018 Year End Summary
Performance Management Indicators
The South Dakota
Budget in Brief, Fiscal Year 2019
provides a cursory overview of the financial condition of the state of South Dakota and a summary of the state budget for the fiscal year.
BFM has created a new, still evolving, financial publication called the
Citizen's Financial Report
. It is intended to be a clear and understandable summary of information from our Budget Report, CAFR, Long Term Financial Plan, and Economic Updates.
Documents for the July 25, 2018 meeting of the Joint Committeee on Appropriations:
FY2018 Year End Summary
Interim FY2019 Revenue Projections
Proration of Investment Income
Review of Sales Tax Language
Revenue Forecast booklet
and the
Economic Outlook Slides
used in BFM's presenation to JCA on Feb 12, 2018.
On Jan. 8, BFM provided
a presentation on the recommended adjustments to the FY2018 and proposed FY2019 budgets
BFM has published the 2018 South Dakota
Long-Term Financial Plan
Five-Year Capital Expenditure Plan
, and
Debt Limitation and Management Policy
. (01/05/18)
Governor Daugaard's recommended state budget for Fiscal Year 2019
will fund necessary state government services and special appropriations for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019.
FY2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
includes all agencies of state government and reporting entities for which the state has oversight responsibilities, and reports to the Legislature, citizens and the financial community, the sound financial condition of South Dakota. (12/29/17)
Recommendations for
Proration of Investment Income
to be presented to the JCA at the July meeting.
Interim FY2018 Revenue Projections
to be presented to the JCA on July 26.
Despite lower revenue, the state general fund budget for Fiscal Year 2017 ended with a $7.9 million cash surplus due to lower expenditures than budgeted.
Read more here.
FY2017 Year End Summary Presentation
Forms adopted by the State Board of Internal Control on 05/31/17
Uniform Subrecipient Template
Word source document
Subrecipient Monitoring Guide
Word source document
Contractor/Subrecipient Determination Checklist
Excel source document
Pre-Award Risk Assessment
Excel source document
The South Dakota
Budget in Brief, Fiscal Year 2018
provides a cursory overview of the financial condition of the state of South Dakota and a summary of the state budget for the next fiscal year.
SB32 Summary Sheet
Revenue Forecast Booklet
presented to Joint Appropriations in February 2017, along with
Economic Outlook Slides
used in the presentation.
SDCL 4-7-51
requires the BFM to release for public viewing our annual
long term financial plan, capital expenditure plan, and debt limitation and management policy
Overview of the Budget Recommendations
on FY2018 and revisions to FY2017 provided to the incoming JCA.
Governor Daugaard announced that on Friday, Dec. 30, the BFM make public the state
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for FY2016
. This is the earliest CAFR release in 20 years.
Governor Daugaard delivered his annual budget address to a joint session of the South Dakota Legislature at 1pm on Tuesday, December 6th.
the complete budget report for FY2018 are available here
On July 22 the JCA will discuss
proration of FY2016 interest earnings
, comments on FY2016 year-end, and
FY2017 revenue projection updates
. (07/15/2016)
Governor Daugaard issued a
press release
announcing a $14.1 million surplus for FY2016. Slides with
details on general fund receipts and reversions
are provided here as well. (07/13/2016)
Public Issuer Bond Ratings
Moody's released
a public issuer rating for South Dakota of AAA (July 2016). State press release
Fitch upgraded
South Dakota's issuer default rating to AAA (June 2016). State press release
Moody's upgraded
South Dakota's lease-revenue bonds to Aa1 (February 2016). State press release
S&P upgraded South Dakota's issuer credit rating to AAA (May 2015). State press release
FY2017 Budget in Brief
shows a summary of the state budget for the next fiscal year.
Revenue Forecasts
presented to JCA (02/10/16)
BFM issued the
(Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) showing the sound financial condition of the state of South Dakota. (01/22/16)
long-term financial plans
, containing projections of both revenues and expenditures of the State of South Dakota. (01/12/16)
BFM Presentation on the Budget
for FY2016 and FY2017 (01/11/16)
Provider Reimbursement worksheet
Governor Daugaard's FY2017 Recommended Budget
proposal (12/08/15)
slides used during the FY2017 budget address
Captive Insurance Coverage Chart
Captive Cell Financial Statement
Interim FY2015 Revenue Projections
Provider Reimbursement worksheet
shows the various provider groups and the general fund cost to increase the reimbursement rates to 90% of cost. (12/15/15)
FY2017 Recommended Budget
slides used during the FY2017 budget address
Captive Insurance Coverage Chart
Captive Cell Financial Statement
BFM memo to the Interim JCA on
Proration of FY2015 Investment Income
Governor Daugaard issued a
press release
announcing higher revenues and lower expenditures than budgeted. Slides with
details on the receipts and general fund reversions
are provided here as well.
FY2016 Budget in Brief
provides a cursory overview of the financial condition of the state of South Dakota and a summary of the state budget for the next fiscal year.
Revenue Forecasts
presented by BFM on March 9, 2015, along with the slide presentation on the
South Dakota and U.S. Economic Outlook
View sides on the
State of the SD Economy
presented to the Governor's Council of Economic Advisors on Feb 18, 2015.
On Tuesday, December 2nd, Governor Daugaard presented his
Recommended Budget for FY2016
, remaining committed to fiscal responsibility and conservative management principles. Complete details, along with the
slide presentation
from the Budget Address are available for review.
Following the Oct. 28 meeting of the Governor's Council of Economic Advisors, Governor Daugaard released the presentation made on
The State of the SD Economy
The state general fund budget for FY2014 ended with both higher revenues and lower expenditures than budgeted. Governor Daugaard's
press release
provides more details, and here are some
slides from BFM on the fiscal year-end numbers
. (July 10, 2014)
An executive order issued by Governor Daugaard requires the Bureau of Finance and Management to provide long-term financial plans and debt service policies to him by January 10 of each year. These documents will be completed prior to the legislature's annual budget deliberations. You can
read the Executive Order here
Interim Report
prepared for the June 17 Joint Committee on Appropriations by BFM contains recommendations for designation of companies to participate in the proration of investment of income earned in FY2013, along with examples of a change in the
process for reporting budget transfers
FY2015 Governor's Budget in Brief
summarizes the appropriations made by the 2014 Legislature.
Provider Inflation Amendment to SB187
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FY2013
shows the sound financial condition of South Dakota, and continues our commitment to maintain the highest standards of accountability and financial reporting.
Revenue Forecasts
booklet presented to the Joint Committee on Appropriations on March 10, 2014.
Slides on the
South Dakota and U.S. Economic Outlook
presented March 10, 2014
Here is a link to slides of the popular
BFM Wallet Cards
Governor Daugaard established a workgroup to review the employee travel reimbursement process and provide
recommendations to strengthen internal controls
over that process. These recommendations are currently being implemented. (03/05/2014)
Presentation on
State Aid to General Ed. & Ed. Levy Adjustment Presentation
Presentation to JCA on
State Employee Compensation Package Budget Process
Breakdown of Recommended Provider Inflation 3% Increase
for FY2015 recommended budget
On December 3, 2013, Governor Daugaard proposed his recommendations for FY2015, South Dakota's
125th year of a balanced budget.
South Dakota state government closed the 2013 budget year on June 30 with a surplus, meaning that the state general fund budget for Fiscal Year 2013 ended with higher revenues and lower expenditures than budgeted. Governor Daugaard's
fiscal year-end press release
is available, as is a
presentation with the detailed figures
At the June 25 interim Joint Committee on Approriations meeting, BFM presented an
Interim Report
containing the recommended designation of funds for proration of investment income and budget transfers that have occured, along with a
report on the distribution of the appropriated state employee salary package
(Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) presents the sound financial condition of South Dakota.
Governor Daugaard's FY2014 budget recommendations
will fund necessary state government services and special appropriations for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 2013, and ending June 30, 2014. His proposed budget once again heeds principles he believes are essential: ongoing revenue pays for ongoing expenses, one-time funds pay for one-time expenses, and reserve funds are used only for emergencies.
The state general fund budget for
Fiscal Year 2012 ended with increased revenues as well as lower expenditures
than budgeted. (07/16/2012)
, the FY2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, for the State of South Dakota.
Report to the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations
includes recommendations for fund designation for proration of investment income and a summary of all budget transfers between June 15, 2011 and June 4, 2012. (06/07/2012)
FY2013 Governor's Budget in Brief
summarizes the appropriations made by the 2012 Legislature. (04/16/2012)
The Bureau of Finance and Management presented its most recent
Revenue Forecasts for FY2012 and FY2013
to the Joint Committee on Appropriations on February 23, 2012. Slides for the presentation can be found
. (02/23/2012)
SD Statewide Cost Allocation Plan for FY2012
reflects an understanding reached between the federal Department of Health and Human Services and the state Bureau of Finance and Management concerning central costs that may be included in the cost of your department for further allocation to federal grants and contracts.
Governor Daugaard's
FY2013 Budget Recommendation
heeds the principles he set forth last year: ongoing revenue pays for ongoing expenses, one-time funds pay for one-time expenses, and reserve funds are used only for emergencies. Visit the link for the complete budget report, details of the proposals, and the presentation used during the Governor's budget address.
Governor Daugaard announced South Dakota state government ended the 2011 fiscal year with a balanced budget
and without using any state reserve funds. Year end FY2011 figures are available
. (07/21/2011)
Report to the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations
include recommendations for fund designation for proration of investment income and a summary of all budget transfers between Nov 6, 2010 and Jun 14, 2011. (06/18/2011)
, the FY2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, for the State of South Dakota.
Provider Rate Cuts for FY2012, as adopted during the 2011 Legislative Session
Realignments to the base budget for FY2012.
These rates are the starting point for the FY2013 budget.
Adjustments for FY2012 only.
These are one-time adjustments made using one-time money.
Governor Daugaard's FY2012 Budget Recommendation